For.Tec. Incinerators Manufacturer

The CA oven is an incinerator with static chamber and it has been designed for small quantities of organic remains, slaughtering waste and animals as pets, swine, sheep, fish etc. This is the cheapest and most practical way for removal of such waste.

Thanks to combustion process followed by energetic recovery, the CA oven allows an easy waste disposal.

Having a display for incineration planning the hand working required is minimized.

CA ovens are pre-installed and tested at our workshop, in order to simplify the installation process, which can be carried out by unskilled workers. Once connected to electric, water and fuel system, it’s ready to be used.

CA plants can be also installed under common roofs.

These incinerators have a destroying power between 30kg/h and 500kg/h and they have been designed with respect of emission limits imposed by severe antipollution regulations.

The system of energy recovery from gas combustion, regularly fixed over incinerators, allows further energy saving making the combustion process cheaper.


We are ready to answer all your questions.

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